SunriseDaily is proud to support these organisations

When you give somebody the gift of their sunrise with a custom message included on the print, you not only remind them of a moment that is extremely special in their life. You are also contributing to positive change across three organisations. We see it as an honour and a privilege to be able to contribute, and we appreciate the part you play in that.

Find out more about each – and we’d be delighted if you feel motivated to become a direct supporter of one of these yourself 🙂

International: Hands Across the Water

Hands Across the Water

Every donation goes in full towards saving Thailand’s most vulnerable children from dangerous environments and giving them a safe place to live. These are children who have grown up in extremely vulnerable environments, often being subjected to neglect, abuse, violence and exploitation. They have no family or known relatives to care for them. With your help, these kids don’t have to go hungry, miss out on education, face the challenges of life on their own or be forced into undesirable employment.

Hands started out supporting 34 children in the small community of Khao Lak and due to the increased demand for their services, and through the generosity of their community and valued partners, has expanded its reach to care for 350 children across 7 projects in Thailand. Hands has gone from employing one staff member to providing employment to over 60 people across Thailand.

The kids who live with the Hands Across the Water team are there because of one of three situations. They have no known family to care for them, they have a family member who is known to them but is unable to care for them, or they are living in an unsafe environment and have been placed in the team’s care by the police or government.

For those in Thailand, the kids and communities whose lives are positively changed each and every day, the team at Hands Across the Water measures the impact of their work not on the number of kids, not on the number of homes and not on the amount of money they raise. They can certainly be tangible measures, but the one metric valued the most is the choices the kids have when it’s time to leave their home.

Donate today or check out our upcoming experiences and become a #HandsHero.



We love the ability created by B1G1 to embed giving into the things we do every day. The B1G1 initiative brings together more than 2,600 businesses from around the world — each making significant impacts in their own ways. Today B1G1 is run by a social enterprise (registered company in Singapore) and non-profit organization (501(c)3 registered in the US) with a mission to create a world that’s full of giving. Unlike conventional giving models, B1G1 specifically helps businesses achieve more social impact by embedding giving activities into everyday business operations and creating unique giving stories. Every business transaction can help improve lives for as little as just one cent.

Here are just some of the examples of impacts created through

  • Help People With Learning Disabilities Gain Life Skills
  • Support An Elderly Person In Need
  • Feed Children In The Philippines
  • Give Care Packs To Farmers Affected By Natural Disaster
  • Vaccinate A Street Dog Against Rabies
  • Help Build A Classroom For Children In Cambodia
  • Fund Grassroots Human Rights Research
  • Reduce Food Waste By Rescuing Meals
  • Give A School Uniform For An Orphaned/At-Risk Child
  • Provide Business Training To Former Loggers In Borneo
  • Provide A Student With Textbooks And School Supplies
  • Provide Sewing Training For Women
  • Provide Fuel For Farmers Affected By Natural Disasters
  • Give Toiletries To Children In Emergency Accommodation
  • Save A Life With A Mosquito Net


Link Community Care

Link Community Care has been working hard to provide local grocery shopping services and meals to those who need them in the Northern Beaches of Sydney, Australia. The organisation’s commitment to providing low-cost groceries and hampers for those who need them has seen the group become a valued part of the Northern Beaches community. Since the social upheaval of recent times, Link Community Care now has a refrigerated van that can take food to people who cannot get to Link’s premises.

Link Community Care is facilitated by The Link Church which is all about passion, purpose and people. The Link Church exists to focus on community, relevance and service.

Donations of time as a volunteer, dollars to support the work, or food staples are appreciated by the team.


Find your Sunrise

It’s powerful to remind ourselves – or others – how resilient they are. Or, to simply celebrate a moment in time that will remain special forever: the day your little one was born, that big day of your wedding or to send a friend their “you’ve got this” on the day they open their new business.

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We offer the largest and highest quality collection of northern beaches daily sunrise photos, including ocean sunrise photos and beach sunrise photos. Offering Sydney daily sunrise prints, sunrise prints on canvas and framed sunrise prints, we truly offer the best daily sunrise prints.

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